Next Generation of Advanced Cyber Security

OmniNET is a multi-layered, sophisticated security stack that inspects all traffic at wire speed using up to a half dozen industry leading security engines. When connected to the OmniBridge gateway, all data is tunneled through the OmniNET Cloud to go through a vigorous screening process detecting and blocking any malware, malicious links/content, threats or intrusions. Everything happens in the OmniNET Cloud, so no threats can get close to your network or your data. This vigorous filtering process is applied to both incoming and outbound traffic. Anything going in or out is thoroughly cleaned and your network is protected.

Test your defenses with our free comprehensive Security Test!

Watch the 60 second video below to find out how you can protect your digital assets.

Free OmniNET Cyber Breach Guarantee, backed by Assurant, for all commercial subscriptions.

We are so confident in the cybersecurity we provide our clients that we include up to $100,000 of coverage to help mitigate costs related to a data breach incident.

Coverage includes reimbursement of costs related to, but not limited to:

  • Data Restoration
  • Systems Restoration
  • Customer Notification
  • Public Relations Expense
  • Customer Credit Monitoring
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