Threat Defense:
“When everything is added together, small businesses could face losses of nearly $55,000 following a cyberattack.” ¹ It’s estimated that 48% of breaches are caused by malicious hackers².
Let Computer Gurus help you limit and/or avoid these losses. We can provide 24/7 System Monitoring. Some of our services for maintaining the security of your systems include:
- Analyzing risks and threats
- Producing regular reports
- Running anti-virus software
- Protecting your email
- Offering consultancy support & advice
- Developing guidance and policies
- Testing your systems against hacking
Systems monitoring takes a comprehensive look at your current systems and spots any threats – fast.
¹ Business News Daily article “Worried About a Cyberattack? What It Could Cost Your Small Business” (October 12, 2015)
² 2016 Cost of Data Breach Study – Ponemon Institute