Upgrading to Windows 10
There is a lot of hype around Windows 10 which is being released starting on July 29th 2015. From our testing it looks like it will be a very good OS that will prove to have better acceptance than Windows 8 did. It is a merge between the Windows 7 and Windows 8 experiences with some nice improvements. Microsoft has done a lot of work on this release to make the upgrade as smooth as possible. That being said we still recommend holding off on upgrading any critical systems for a few months to let the major bugs be worked out first. If though you choose to upgrade to Windows 10 as soon as it is available to you please do the following before starting the process.
- Backup your critical data!
- Check with your PC manufacture to make sure that all of your drivers are up-to-date
- Backup your critical data!
- Locate your reinstall/repair disks in case it does not go well
- Do not interrupt the process once started
- Have fun with the new experience!
If you need help on how to back up your data or run into difficulties upgrading to Windows 10 please Contacts US and we will be glad to assist you.